Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Experts share tips on wellbeing

Ms Muro 

Managers and staff have a chance to make working places more productive and efficient if they are enabled to unlock their full potential both individually and collectively.
This is possible when both sides -- the employers and the employees -- strive to attain growth intellectually, physically, spiritually, emotionally as well as healthwise.
Experts in lifestyle coaching and mentoring posit that individuals are likely to increase their performance and undergo attitude shift, when they are conscious that for everything that happens in their lives, it emanates from the choices they make every moment of their lives.
Speaking at a breakfast session in Dar es Salaam last week, two inspirational speakers argued that hunger for success and a desire for health and longevity were the reasons why most people seek to live and lead consciously.
They, however, urged that sometimes people step into leadership positions and responsibilities unprepared thus end up facing difficulties all along the way. “Many leaders in Africa are thrust into key leadership positions for various understandable reasons including as rewards for good governance,” says Zuhura Muro -- managing director of Kazi Services Limited, a human resource advisory, training, coaching and management consultancy services firm.
Muro, however, says that far too often, leaders step into these positions with great trepidation because they believe they do not possess any specific training in becoming a successful leader. Even those who have been trained, she says, most have not had training in how to understand and manage their mind, body and spirit as a fundamental pre-requisite for enlightened leadership.
“The majority of them suffer from high levels of stress, hypertension and other related ailments leading to many lost productive hours,” she says.
According to her, the simplest way to observe the toll that leadership responsibilities exert on the human body, mind and spirit, is to watch the speed with which the colour of a true leader’s hair greys and how often they look visibly exhausted.
“The world leaders are a classic and most visible demonstration of this phenomenon,” she says.
There is good news, however, to all those suffering pressure due to leadership responsibilities, according to Muro.
She says that the phenomenon could positively be reversed if staff and the managers master the skills and competencies for striking the balance of the mind, body and spirit.
“Such a result will, in good time, even reduce the visits to the doctors and thus reduce employer expenditure on medical bills.”


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